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Religious Education Department

Welcome to the Religious Education homepage, we hope that you are able to access lots of information about the work that we are doing, but please feel free to contact us with any additional questions that you may have.

We have eight designated Religious Education specialists working within the department, Mrs V Briody (Head of Department) Miss K Prindiville, (Second in Department), Mrs A Esposito (HOY 10), Miss A McGrath (HOY 7), Miss S McCarthy (Deputy Headteacher), Mr B Finnegan (Deputy Headteacher), Miss N Curley (Assistant Headteacher) & Ms J O’Connell (Senco).

At Key Stage 3 we follow the scheme of work ‘ To Know You More Clearly’  as indicated by the Bishop’s Conference 2022, using a variety of learning styles to ensure that students are allowed to develop to the very best of their ability. At Key Stage 4 we follow the AQA syllabus for Catholic Christianity, Judaism and St Mark’s Gospel, and at Key stage 5 we follow the Edexcel syllabus studying Philosophy, Ethics and the New Testament.  The department are committed to ensuring the development of the ‘whole’ person by not only their knowledge within Religious Education, but also their own personal faith journey and project work helping charities.

The department also runs a pilgrimage to Lourdes at Easter allowing our sixth form students to volunteer as helpers for children with specific needs as well as supporting a number of other charities throughout the year.

Key Stage 3 Overview

At Key Stage Three pupils follow a programme that enriches their understanding of Catholicism. In all year groups, the new Bishops Conference Curriculum of 2022 has been implemented.  This scheme of work is delivered with a variety of teaching methods and materials, such as power point presentations, visual and audio materials.

Pupils complete class work that develops a range of skills such as analysis, empathy, evaluation and application of different Christian teachings and viewpoints. This is assessed with a combination of teacher, peer and self-assessment. 

A trio target is given to allow pupils to improve their written work. Pupils are expected to complete homework on a weekly basis as an integral part of their learning. Peer and Self-assessment is carried out on a regular basis, using green ink to indicate ways to improve.

Year 7

7.1 Creation & Covenant

Pupils learn how humans can come to know God through nature and divine revelation, Catholic beliefs about Creation, the Christian duty of stewardship, and the role of prayer. 

7.2 Prophecy & Promise

Pupils learn the relationship between sacred scripture and the revelation of God.  They understand the structure of the Bible, its multiple authorship, original languages, and the way scripture is used in prayer within the liturgy.

7.3 From Galilee to Jerusalem

Pupils understand the belief of the incarnation of Jesus, that he is the word made flesh.  They learn the doctrine of the trinity and that Jesus is both ‘truly God and truly man, with him being the model of a perfect human being, and how this links with Catholic Social Teaching today.  

7.4 Desert to Garden – 

Pupils identify the seven sacraments and explain why the sacrament of the Eucharist is referred to as the ‘source and summit’ of Christian life. They learn the structure of the mass, how Jesus is present within the Eucharist, and the beliefs about the Eucharist between differing Christian denominations.  

7.5 - To the Ends of the Earth

Pupils learn Catholic beliefs about the Holy Spirit in the Gospels and Acts, including his significance at Pentecost, its role as the third person of the Trinity, and declarations given about the Holy Spirit in the Creed.  The importance of Confirmation will also be explored. 

7.6 - Dialogue & Encounter

Pupils will encounter the beliefs and teachings Islam as an Abrahamic faith, looking at beliefs about God (Tawhid), scripture (Qur’an) and prophethood. Students will also study Islamic practices and how Muslims live out their religion, focusing on the five pillars and festivals such as Hajj, Ramadan and Eid.

Year 8

8.1 Creation & Covenant -

Pupils learn the difference between personal and original sin, understanding the role the sacrament of Baptism and our conscience plays in this. Reflect on how being made in the image and likeness of God gives humans both freedom and responsibility.

8.2 Prophecy & Promise -

Pupils learn the messages of some prominent Old Testament prophets and how their prophecies were messianic. Describe how Christians are called to be witnesses of Christ in his office of Prophet, Priest and King.

8.3 From Galilee to Jerusalem -

Pupils learn about the Jesus of the Gospels. His parables and miracles and his reactions to those marginalised by society. Pupils will reflect on Jesus administering to the sick and the links with the sacrament of the sick today.

8.4 Desert to Garden -

Pupils reflect on the suffering of Jesus and link it to the mystery of suffering for Christian’s today. Understand the importance of fasting, almsgiving prayer and penance are particularly important in the season of lent

8.5 To the Ends of the Earth -

Pupils focus on the events of the resurrection, and can appreciate it is the central crowning truth of Christianity.  They with focus on the empty tomb and Jesus’ physical resurrection, and the belief in spiritual resurrection for all after death.  Pupils will reflect on why the Church teaches baptism is necessary for Salvation.

8.6 Dialogue & Encounter -

Pupils will encounter the key beliefs and practices of Hinduism and understand how the religion is practised by contemporary British Hindus. They will focus on areas including Hindu Deities, worship, festivals and rites of passage.

Year 9 

Autumn Term

9.1 Creation & Covenant -

Pupils reflect on the view that all humans have unalienable dignity, linking back to the creation of Humans found in Genesis 1 & 2.  Understand the bibles view on equality between men and women and the importance of Marriage for Christians.  Understand how the mystery of Imago Dei reveals certain truths about human beings and life as a sacred gift from God from conception.

9.2 Prophecy & Promise -

Pupils will discover Church teachings on the Blessed Virgin Mary and her importance.  They will reflect on Marian prayers, such as the Magnificat, her titles and her feast days. They will appreciate Our Lady’s role in salvation.

9.3 Galilee to Jerusalem -
Pupils learn about the way Jesus called the disciples and how people are called in a similar way today. We explore how everyone is called to live according to gods plan through Christian vocations, and reflect on some of the difficulties that Christian’s today might have responding to Gods call.

9.4 Desert to Garden -

Pupils learn about the mystery of redemption that occurs through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. They learn about the convent at Sinai and the role of sacrificing the Jewish temple, and how Jesus’ crucifixion marks the start of a new and everlasting covenant. Students will contemplate the challenges of forgiveness and the practice for working for justice and peace in their own lives

9.5 To the Ends of the Earth

Pupils will explore how humans are created for life in community with others. They will explore the idea of the communion of saints and the universal call to be a saint. We will explore the Church on earth and in heaven, and the role of saints and angels within our faith.

9.6 Dialogue and Encounter

Pupils will be looking at the importance of dialogue between different religions. They will explore what the document ‘meeting God in friend and stranger’ can teach us about intercultural dialogue and how religious communities can work together towards a common goal. The world religion focus of this topic will specifically be the Beliefs & teachings of Judaism.

Year 10 

Catholic Christianity, St Mark’s Gospel & Judaism

At Key Stage 4 pupils follow the AQA exam board, syllabus b – they have an opportunity to study St Mark’s Gospel (25%), Judaism (25%) and Catholic Christianity (50%). There are a variety of teaching methods used and an end of topic test is given using GCSE questions and marked to the exam board criteria.

The GCSE course is finished as early as possible in year 11 to facilitate a detailed revision programme. Materials are always available from the department.

Every student is required to have a copy of St Mark’s Gospel – which can be bought from their Religious Education teacher or the department for £1, we would also advise a revision book to be purchased in year 10, these are available from the department for £6.

Revision sessions are held on Saturdays and at half terms - pupils will be identified and invited to attend these throughout the key stage.

Homework is set once a week and looks to build upon knowledge gained in class and prepare for the exam.

We begin our studies with Judaism, to get a full understanding of the tradition.

Course content – Autumn Term

Judaism – Beliefs and Teachings

This topic allows pupils to find out about the main beliefs within Judaism, the concept and nature of God, life after death, nature and role of the messiah, Promised Land, the Ten Commandments and the sanctity of life.  This will have been started in the final ½ term of year 9 being recapped through retrieval practice at the beginning of year 10.

Judaism – Practices

Pupils will learn about Synagogues, Prayer, worship in the home, Bar and Bat Mitzvah, marriage and Pesach. They will try to understand the meaning and importance of these practices as well as others for the Jewish believers.

In the Winter term we move on to St Mark’s Gospel (25%). 

Marks Gospel – The Life of Jesus

Pupils learn about the key events in Jesus ministry, his Baptism, miracles, teachings and titles.  They reflect on how we are expected to live a life as witnesses of Christ based on his example.  They learn about his passion in his final week and understand the relevance it has for us today.

St Mark’s Gospel as a source of spiritual truth

Pupils will have the opportunity to study the Kingdom of God, Jesus’ relationship with those disregarded in society and Faith and Discipleship. 

Summer Term

Course content – Catholic Christianity (50%)


In this topic, pupils will study the Catholic belief of the origin of the world and humans, Genesis creation stories. An explanation of what Genesis shows us about God as creator, transcendent and omnipotent, and understand the importance of these beliefs.  Stewardship and sustainability, caring for the environment – including the study of the aid agency CAFOD.


This topic will cover the concept of God taking on the human condition as Jesus, coming to earth in the form of man, the incarnation. A study of Jesus as both fully human and fully God, how Religious Art helps our understanding of the incarnation. How the seven sacraments are used to help make life holy for Catholics and how the idea of humans being imago dei influences Catholic beliefs about the protection of the unborn.


Year 11

Catholic Christianity

At Key Stage 4 pupils follow the AQA exam board, syllabus b – they have an opportunity to study St Mark’s Gospel (25%), Judaism (25%) and Catholic Christianity (50%). There are a variety of teaching methods used and an end of topic test is given using GCSE questions and marked to the exam board criteria.

The GCSE course is finished as early as possible in year 11 to facilitate a detailed revision programme. Materials are always available from the department.

Revision sessions are held on Saturdays and at half terms - pupils will be identified and invited to attend these throughout the key stage. We would also advise a revision book to be purchased, these are available from the department for £6.

Homework is set once a week and looks to build upon knowledge gained in class and prepare for the exam.

Autumn Term

The Triune God

Pupils will be expected to study and appreciate the music used in worship and the liturgy. The Trinity will be examined as part of the Nicene Creed and the influence of the trinity on Christians today.  Explain the importance of Baptism as a sign of joining and sharing in the life of the Trinity and prayer and explain how prayer, both traditional and spontaneous, helps Catholics to raise their hearts and minds to God.


This topic sees pupils study the various features in a Catholic Church and explain how these can help Catholics to worship. To explain the importance of the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus; especially in relation to redemption. Salvation viewed as a past, present and future, a study of the last supper and the works of St Irenaeus and St Anselm.

Winter Term

The Church and the Kingdom of God

This topic looks at Christian views on the Stations of the Cross, pilgrimage especially in relation to Jerusalem, Rome, Walsingham and Lourdes. An appreciation of how drama helps mission and evangelism. To understand the meaning of the Kingdom of God, especially in the Lord ’s Prayer the values of the Kingdom and the commandment ‘love thy neighbour’.


Pupils will study the features and meaning of the Paschal candle, the beliefs about life after death, the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. An understanding of the prayers and actions used in the funeral rite, the ideas of the sanctity of life and the care of the dying and euthanasia.

Summer Term

We will use all available lessons to revise the course in its entirety before the mock and public exams take place

Revision Tips

  1. Have you got a copy of the specification for each of the three sections of the exam? Tick off what you know and revise what you are unsure of.
  2. Have you got your copy of all of the Bible passages you need? Make sure that you read every passage and learn each one. Highlight the parts that you keep forgetting and then reread these parts. Test yourself and get others to test you.
  3. Click here to go through to the AQA syllabus so that you can make sure that you have covered all areas of the syllabus in your revision.
  4. Ask your teacher for exam questions. You must practice answering questions in a short space of time.
  5. Attend the extra revision sessions at lunchtimes, Saturdays and as required by your teacher.

Pupils are required to answer 5 questions in each section of the exam. All questions will follow the same format: 1 mark, 2 marks, 4 marks, 5 marks and 12 marks.

AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of religion and beliefs.

  • Beliefs, practices and sources of authority
  • Influence on individuals, communities and societies
  • Similarities and differences within and/or between religions and beliefs.

AO2: Analyse and evaluate aspects of religion and belief, including their significance and influence

These questions require pupils to evaluate and come to conclusions having looked at both sides of the argument. They will learn to use their knowledge to justify their arguments.

Key Stage 5 Overview

Philosophy, Religion & Ethics and New Testament

At Key Stage 5 pupils study Philosophy, Religion & Ethics and New Testament. We follow the Edexcel exam board sitting a one hour exam paper in each topic at the end of year 12 and a two hour paper in each topic at the end of year 13, combining the knowledge of the key stage together. Pupils are able to discuss and analyse their own beliefs as well as being challenged by the ideas of philosophers and scholars in this field.

Lessons are taught in the Catherine of Siena block and involve a wide range of teaching methods and strategies to allow the pupils to develop a fuller understanding of the topics.

Pupils need to study the anthology scripts as indicated by the exam board and use them in their answers.

Pupils are also expected to complete homework as their teacher directs, including extra reading and exam practice. Peer and self-assessment are used in both homework and classwork in order to evaluate their progress and set targets for improvement.

Year 12

At A level we follow the Edexcel exam board, please see an outline of what is studied.


Paper 1: Philosophy of Religion (9RS0/01)

Paper 2: Religion and Ethics (9RS0/02)

Paper 3: New Testament Studies (9RS0/03)

  • Design Argument
  • Cosmological Argument
  • Ontological Argument
  • Religious experience
  • Problem of evil and suffering


  • Environmental issues
  • Utilitarianism
  • Situation Ethics
  • Natural Moral Law
  • War and peace
  • Sexual Ethics


  • Prophecy regarding the Messiah
  • The world of the first century and the significance of this context for the life and work of Jesus
  • Texts and Interpretation of the Person of Jesus
  • Interpreting the text and issues of relationship, purpose and authorship


You will have an exam on each paper lasting 1 hour; each paper will have two sections.

Section a – 26 marks and section b – 28 marks. A total of 54 marks

Year 13

In year 13 all A Level knowledge is combined and any aspect can be tested in the final exams. We follow the Edexcel exam board; please see below for an outline of what is studied.


Paper 1: Philosophy of Religion (9RS0/01)

Paper 2: Religion and Ethics (9RS0/02)

Paper 3: New Testament Studies (9RS0/03)

  • Design Argument
  • Cosmological Argument
  • Ontological Argument
  • Religious experience
  • Problem of evil and suffering
  • Religious Language
  • Works of scholars
  • Influences of developments in religious belief


  • Environmental issues
  • Equality
  • Utilitarianism
  • Situation Ethics
  • Natural Moral Law
  • War and peace
  • Sexual Ethics
  • Ethical language
  • Deontology, virtue ethics and work of scholars
  • Medical ethics


  • Prophecy regarding the Messiah
  • The world of the first century and the significance of this context for the life and work of Jesus
  • Texts and Interpretation of the Person of Jesus
  • Interpreting the text and issues of relationship, purpose and authorship
  • Kingdom of God, conflict, the death and resurrection
  • Scientific and Historical critical challenges, ethical living and the works of scholars


You will have an exam on each paper lasting 2 hours; each paper will have three sections.

Section A, section B and section C out of 80 marks.

The paper includes short-open, open-response and extended writing questions.

Synoptic assessment

Synoptic assessment requires students to work across different parts of a qualification and to show their accumulated knowledge and understanding of a topic or subject area.

Synoptic assessment enables students to show their ability to combine their skills, knowledge and understanding with breadth and depth of the subject.

Students will be able to demonstrate this through the extended essay in Question 4.