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A Level and GCSE Results 2023


Congratulations and well done to our fantastic students and a huge thank you to our wonderful staff for the A Level and GCSE results achieved this summer:

A LEVEL         

  • 33% of all grades are A*-A
  • 72% of grades are A*-B (almost 20% above national)
  • 95% of grades are A*- C (20% above national)
  • 100% of grades are A*-D
  • Two students will be starting at Cambridge in September 2023


St Gregory’s have attained a record-breaking set of GCSE examination results. The school’s Attainment 8 score, which is a measure of the average grade in each subject, is 57.0. This is the highest it has ever been outside of the years affected by the Covid pandemic grading and is in the top 5% of schools nationally, including selective schools. 

Our Progress 8 score of 0.53 is defined as well above average by the DFE and indicates that each child on average makes over half a grade more progress in each subject than the national average.

In English, 91% of students secured a grade 4 pass and 74% a grade 5. The respective figures for Maths were 90% grade 4 and 74% grade 5. Four students achieved a Grade 9 in at least five subjects. Aaliyah Walsh achieved one of the highest scores in the country in GCSE Photography.